
ASAP History covers a lot of ground because honestly, there’s a lot of history. Here you’ll find links to different topics, themes and eras to help you find what you’re looking for. On each separate “Era” page, you’ll find themes, names, events, and links to articles on important topics. Keep in mind, we’re a growing operation – and brilliant content like this takes time!

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The Ancient Ages

When: 3,000 BCE – 476

All the way back to the beginning of time, when Guruk and Grok first smashed two sticks together and fire happened. Or at least, when humans began recording things in roughly 3,000 BCE (Before the Common Era, or before the birth of Christ). This period covers everything from cave paintings to the rise (and fall) of the Roman Empire.

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The Middle Ages

When: 476 – 1453

This period began with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476. Characterized by ecological disaster and barbarian raids that savaged the entire Eurasian continent, this period was a “Dark Age” in world history. At the same time, the circulation of people and ideas through expanding trade routes facilitated the growth of new religious institutions like Christianity and Islam.

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The Early Modern Period

When: 1453 – 1750

Although it’s hard to find consensus on the extent of this period, here we’ll begin with the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. As the Chinese Ming Dynasty grew to dominate the East, much of Western Europe underwent the Renaissance and the Aztecs grew to dominate South America. Furthermore, Western exploration of the “New World” resulted in the establishment of new colonial empires.

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The Late Modern Period

When: 1750 – 1914

Beginning with the Age of Revolutions, this period was marked by rapid societal and technological change. The European powers undertook a new colonial scramble for unclaimed land, the Industrial Revolution brought with it new levels of economic growth and the American Civil War took place, resulting in the birth of a new (temporarily) isolationist power. (Note: although this period typically extends to 1945 and the beginning of “Contemporary History”, the World Wars and Interbellum period recieve their own attention at ASAP History).

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World War I

When: 1914 – 1918

Beginning in 1914, “The Great War” or “The War To End All Wars” brought the optimism of the new century crashing to a halt. To that point it was the deadliest conflict in human history, and the ensuing refugee crisis spread the devastating Spanish Flu across the world. Nationalist movements, born out of war, grew to dominate world politics in the ensuing Interbellum period.

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The Interbellum

When: 1918 – 1939

The Interbellum (“inter-war”) period was a time of anxiety and political change. Globalist forces sought to unite the great powers and heal the wounds of WWI whilst trying to ensure such conflict never happened again; nationalist forces channelled their upset with WWI’s result into the formation of extremist political movements. Some have argued that the Interbellum period was merely a pause in the “Double World War” .

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World War II

When: 1939 – 1945

Despite the efforts of the British-led appeasement movement, the aggressive intentions of fascist powers came to a head with the “free world” in 1939. The “greatest” conflict in human history touched nearly every human being on earth and brought suffering into the lives of soldiers and civilians alike. The carnage of war brought an end to traditional colonial powers, while new Communist regimes in Russia and China came to challenge Western hegemony.

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The Cold War

When: 1945 – 1989

The victors emerged from WWII with tremendous military and economic power. The tensions between those forces generated the Cold War, a time of technological advancement, newfound prosperity and regime changes in the “third world”. Smaller, more unpredictable threats challenged the superpowers in the forms of terrorism and proxy war while societal change at home threatened existing political regimes.

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Post-History: The New World Order

When: 1989 – present day

American political scientist Francis Fukuyama predicted that the collapse of the USSR – and emergence of the US as the sole superpower – would bring about an era of harmony and peace known as “post-history“. But the 1990s saw vicious ethnic conflicts rock the developing world and Eastern Europe, and nationalist tensions began rising anew in the 2000s. The new Russian Federation began to re-emerge as a superpower of sorts, and Western democracies experienced new challenges to their legitimacy.

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Terms, Concepts and Theories

History is so much more than a boring list of dates, names and other stuff you’ll forget. History is about analysis, so historians (like you!) develop terms and theories to try to explain historical phenomena – and even predict the future.

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