11/27 – Treaty of Locarno

L-R: Stresemann, Chamberlain (UK) and Briand (France) hammering out the Treaty of Locarno in 1925. (source: Wikimedia Commons) On this day in 1925, the German parliament ratified (signed into law) the Treaty of Locarno. Signed by France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and England, the treaty had three main goals: solidify Europe's post-WWI borders, get Germany into…

11/26 – The Shelling of Mainila

Finns prepare to defend their position against a Soviet advance during the Winter War. (source: Wikimedia Commons) On this day in 1939, the Soviet Red Army fired seven artillery shells at Mainila, a Russian village 800 metres from the Russian-Finnish border. Claiming that Finnish units had fired on Russian civilians unprovoked, the Shelling of Mainila…