11/16 – Dostoevsky’s Arrest

"Dostoevsky" by Vasili Perov, 1872. (source: Wikimedia Commons) On this day in 1849 Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky and fellow members of the Petrashevsky Circle were sentenced to death for "dangerous" political speech. The Circle, composed of intellectuals and writers, shared radical ideas about government and religion. Gogol's Letter, a written statement denouncing Ukrainian playwright Nikolai…

11/15 – The Anglo-Irish Agreement

British soldiers at a checkpoint on Conway Street, Belfast, in 1970. (source: Flickr) On this day in 1985 the Anglo-Irish Agreement was signed by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Irish leader Garrett Fitzgerald. The Agreement gave the government of Ireland a role in the Northern Irish government and confirmed that the country's constitution would…